Back in the Game

That’s me. I’ve been away a while. Life gets overwhelming sometimes and I got caught up in the overwhelm. But my heart has always been in my writing, so look for more posts to come soon! Thanks for hanging in there with me. It means a lot. Kisses y’all. 😘

When You’re In Pain, The Pain Is All There Is

  Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash This is how to save a life. Pain. It’s completely mind-consuming. At least that’s the case with excruciating pain, like childbirth, earaches, and toothaches. Those are just the examples that come to my head immediately, and there’s a reason for that. I have an earache, and it’s been…

This is Where the World Stops

Why we’re fading out of existence Mama said she was in the grocery store the other day when she felt it—the sensation that she was fading out. Out of the world, out of existence. You don’t want to hear things like that from your parents. It’s almost as if you think by not acknowledging death,…

My Fat Game is Real and Some Butts Are Hail Damaged

How I balance my weight loss with Girl Scout cookies At the doctor’s office today, I was congratulated for a three-and-a-half-pound weight loss. Apparently, two pounds were fat, one pound was water weight. Naturally, when I got back home, I ate an entire box of Girl Scout cookies. Life’s all about balance I blame the…

Live Your Life or Plan Your Death

About depression and a pet cricket named Elvis When I was a kid, I had a pet cricket named Elvis. Mama said you can’t really have a cricket for a pet. The truth is, I never saw him once, but Elvis sang to me every night, so I reckon he decided to keep me instead…

Reasons for Writing

Even though I’m not getting paid I was about seven years old when I started writing. Poems were floating around in my head, and one day I realized that I could put them on paper. For a long time, all I wrote was poetry and song lyrics. I have storage boxes level full of work…


Stress. We’ve all been there. You think you’re getting somewhere in your life and you might even be early getting there for a change. You’re travelling along at the perfect speed, listening to your favorite song blast through the speakers, just starting to feel like things are going to finally go your way. Then BOOM!…

Still Your Baby

There was no way that I could miss that something was really wrong with this girl. She was upset, not thinking straight, unable to make a decision. It was time for her to answer basic questions about her life, and she was having problems. That’s when she called you. I heard your voice on the…