Everything is Different, Everything is the Same

Hey Y’all! I’m back! So I’m starting over but you will still have access to all the good stuff already here. I felt like I needed to update my site to encompass more of who I am and what I do. It’s so easy to fall into a trap and try to be like everyone…

Back in the Game

That’s me. I’ve been away a while. Life gets overwhelming sometimes and I got caught up in the overwhelm. But my heart has always been in my writing, so look for more posts to come soon! Thanks for hanging in there with me. It means a lot. Kisses y’all. 😘

The Way It All Unfolds

I haven’t been able to write for the better part of a year. Not much, anyway. Life has been overwhelming. I’m pretty embarrassed about it really. I got myself into a bit of an emotional disaster and couldn’t find my way out of it. I wouldn’t call it depression exactly. To be honest, I don’t…

When You’re In Pain, The Pain Is All There Is

  Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash This is how to save a life. Pain. It’s completely mind-consuming. At least that’s the case with excruciating pain, like childbirth, earaches, and toothaches. Those are just the examples that come to my head immediately, and there’s a reason for that. I have an earache, and it’s been…

A Non-Political Look at Life

And how precious it is.                                                                 Photo by Jung Ho Park on Unsplash The thing about life (and this isn’t a political argument) is…

Worry ‘Bout What You Gon’ Worry ‘Bout

But don’t worry ‘bout me. A little thing like a major hurricane ain’t enough to keep us down. Not forever, anyway. Y’all keep on having your petty little wars about whoever is superior to whoever else. I get it. We all do. And while y’all are fighting, maybe take a minute to remember the entire…

The Cold Hard Truth About Loving God

What it really looks like Loving God sounds easy, but don’t read this if you aren’t brave enough to face yourself. I always considered loving God from a selfish point of view. I love Him because of all He gives me, for blessing me with life, for sending Jesus to die for my sins. But…

The Child Revisited

A poem about life after childhood trauma. Today I got a glimpse of me. The me that I swore could not return. I saw the part of myself that I said was dead and buried, Killed off by the destruction that was my life. And when I saw me, I knew who I was. I…

Slipping Off the Deep End

Social Isolationism can make you crazy. The world we live in is imperfect at best, and a cataclysmic train ride to hell at worst. Just when you think things are starting to go your way, something happens to bring your life crashing down around your feet in broken bits of whatever’s left when your expectation…

Flies and Fishhooks

Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash For some reason, the flies are unbearable this year, and I think it’s because the pipe running into the sewer has a leak, and human waste is trickling onto the ground in the backyard. I feel like a little kid from a third world country, swatting at flies that are too lazy…