Flies and Fishhooks

Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash For some reason, the flies are unbearable this year, and I think it’s because the pipe running into the sewer has a leak, and human waste is trickling onto the ground in the backyard. I feel like a little kid from a third world country, swatting at flies that are too lazy…

Reasons for Writing

Even though I’m not getting paid I was about seven years old when I started writing. Poems were floating around in my head, and one day I realized that I could put them on paper. For a long time, all I wrote was poetry and song lyrics. I have storage boxes level full of work…

I Want to Bury My Head In Cookie Dough

Not a Roll of Cookie Dough, but One of Those Tubs. Or Eat Five Gallons of Chocolate Ice Cream with a Package of Oreos–No, Girl Scout Cookies! I want Thin Mints, and I want them fresh out of the freezer! Are you wondering why I want a tub of cookie dough, or something else sinfully…