How do you handle life when everything goes wrong?

Sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth getting out of bed. Two flat tires. That’s how my day started. I was driving to work on these fantastic Louisiana roads, and the best I can tell, I went in a pothole. I’m not sure why it took out two of my tires on the sidewalls, but…

Cheating Often Leads to Drastic Decisions

At least I didn’t cut my bangs. I also didn’t burn all his stuff in the front yard, although the thought did cross my mind. Radical things happen when I’m upset, but so far, I’ve avoided any major destructive action. I just got out the paint. Breakups are hard. It doesn’t matter if they’re “what’s…

Today the World Became a Lesser Place

But it didn’t happen without a fight. I didn’t know Brenda very well. I saw her only three times in my life, twice at church and once at her father’s funeral. But if you ask me how I can speak with authority on this, I have an easy answer. She was LOVED by so many…


In this world of influence and social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. Teddy Roosevelt told us a long time ago that “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and I believe that reality speaks for itself when you look at the increasing number of teen suicides since the invention of certain…

I Want to Bury My Head In Cookie Dough

Not a Roll of Cookie Dough, but One of Those Tubs. Or Eat Five Gallons of Chocolate Ice Cream with a Package of Oreos–No, Girl Scout Cookies! I want Thin Mints, and I want them fresh out of the freezer! Are you wondering why I want a tub of cookie dough, or something else sinfully…